Dr Anil Tandon
Principal DentistGDC No. 64162
LDS RCS Eng 1989
Dr Tandon is, at 42 years of age, the founding partner at Edgbaston Dental Centre, a high quality Cosmetic and General Dental Practice located in central Birmingham. From this well known Centre he has been helping thousands of dental patients from all walks of life, and also has many internationally renowned music stars, actors and athletes amongst his clientele.
Dr Tandon studied at Kings College Dental School, University of London, before graduating at the Royal College of Surgeons (London) in 1989. Since then he has worked diligently as an Associate Dental Surgeon in Birmingham (1989-1994), during which he established the 'West Midlands Emergency Dental Service'. From 1994, Dr Tandon devoted himself to the emergency needs of the West Midlands community in the continued provision of the Emergency Service that he had set up. Many other Dental Practices relied on his support and so he is therefore very well known and regarded in the affluent dental circles of the region.
In 1997 Dr Tandon founded Edgbaston Dental Centre. Between then and now he has worked hard to assemble a team of over twenty highly skilled and experienced staff members. Dr Tandon himself continues to provide cosmetic and general dental maintenance at the Surgery. He has a special interest in the treatment of very nervous patients. Over the last 17 years he has successfully been able to treat thousands of such patients by way of Intra-Venous Sedation; a totally pain-free, safe and easy technique. Other Dentists continue to rely on the service he provides. Dr Tandon also is extremely proficient in the provision of Dental Implants, having completed an intensive year long training course.
Dr Tandon continues to strive for excellence in every sphere of Dentistry and remains committed to Continued Professional Development by way of regular Dental Conferences and courses that enable him to keep informed of the latest technological advances of his profession.
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